As a continuation to the efforts made to collect patients’ food allergy data which had started in 2007 the database was designed to add to the previously registered data on over 400 patients.


  1. To organize clinical data on food allergy patients referred between July 2010 and October 2014.
  2. To follow up and register the patients’ clinical status annually or biannually for the 5-year period.
  3. To use the data for future research.
  4. To update the database software to include the newly collected information on patients.
  5. To issue an ID card for each patient.
  6. To design infographics and pamphlets to raise awareness at the level of patients and healthcare professionals.
  7. To actively involve patients in the process of treatment and follow up.


Radio-immunosorbent dilution assay (RIDA) was used to detect 48 common allergens through a 12-month health services research (HSR) project. Data from other more specific tests such as total IgE values and skin prick tests were also added to the database.

Database of Common Allergens

Considering the high prevalence of allergic disorders, collecting and storing the data on the distribution of common allergens can provide invaluable insights for the prevention and treatment of this entity. The results of this study can directly influence

Iranian Pediatric Asthma Registry (IPAR)

Clinical and demographical data on asthma patients were collected according to reliable questionnaires to be included in the database since 2008. The data on over 1000 asthmatic children have thus far been registered.


  1. To facilitate diagnosis and treatment of asthma
  2. To provide accurate statistics on the prevalence of asthma in children.
  3. To provide access to patients’ clinical data for research purposes.
  4. To help minimize exposure to life-threatening risk factors and asthma aggravators according to clinical and epidemiological data.
  5. Scientific cooperation with domestic and international research and educational organizations in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  6. To raise awareness of the healthcare community and patients to facilitate earlier diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic measures.
  7. To raise community awareness of asthma.
  8. To inspire and motivate researchers interested in asthma research.